Week 4. More relaxation. How much reading/talking/TV about coronavirus is too much?
I've sneaked in another week on relaxation. Why? Because I felt rushed trying to cram relaxing into a single week! And with two days of painful headaches in the same week as writing about relaxation I wondered if I needed to put this into practice a little more. I've really enjoyed relaxing in my yoga class or out on a walk by the sea. I have had some moments of feeling content with this simpler way of life, writing and being out in the garden. But this peaceful state does not last all day (or all week) and there is more to reflect/improve on... So I turn to the topic of coronavirus and wonder if all the talk/reading/watching is too much for my body or mind? All the wonderful moments of relaxation that I enjoy could actually be disturbed by half an hour of reading the latest articles? Why would I be so hooked on reading about coronavirus? Well, we are in the middle of a pandemic and the fourth most affected country right now. S...