Week 4. More relaxation. How much reading/talking/TV about coronavirus is too much?

I've sneaked in another week on relaxation.  Why?  Because I felt rushed trying to cram relaxing into a single week!  And with two days of painful headaches in the same week as writing about relaxation I wondered if I needed to put this into practice a little more. 

I've really enjoyed relaxing in my yoga class or out on a walk by the sea.  I have had some moments of feeling content with this simpler way of life, writing and being out in the garden.  But this peaceful state does not last all day (or all week) and there is more to reflect/improve on...

So I turn to the topic of coronavirus and wonder if all the talk/reading/watching is too much for my body or mind?  All the wonderful moments of relaxation that I enjoy could actually be disturbed by half an hour of reading the latest articles?

Why would I be so hooked on reading about coronavirus?  Well, we are in the middle of a pandemic and the fourth most affected country right now.  So there's a lot to learn.  At the start of this pandemic I had such an active brain (especially at 3am) with question after question that I wanted to understand.  I hear that many of us in those early stages were doing the same kind of over-reading.  My scientific brain seems to have gone into overdrive trying to figure out how to "stay well".

Growing up, I was equally happy out in nature as I was reading science books.  I come from a long line of scientists and learnt to deal with the world through using my brain rather than emotions.  This has left me with a skill of asking good questions that my brain likes to ponder (although ideally not at 3am!).  So I have been allowing myself some carefully selected research to answer just one of these questions at a time.  For example "what is Singapore doing differently to limit the spread of this virus?"  I locate a "proper" article such as in the New Scientist and I try to answer my question.  This approach to many questions has slowly given me some kind of mental understanding of this very strange situation the world finds itself in. 

But is this too much?  At times, yes, such as when I was awake again at 3am wanting to actually phone Matt Hancock (UK's Health Secretary) and tell him he must look at the Asian countries tracking and testing procedures because they are working.  I did write to my MP the next day explaining the importance of this.  But in small doses (maybe an hour each week), I find watching an interview with a highly knowledgeable group of virologists and epidemiologists fascinating and partially reassuring.  It reminds me that I don't have to solve this global problem personally and can trust that a huge body of scientists are on the case and talking sense to the Government. 

Even with this carefully rationed reading and talk that can follow at home, it can still start to feel too much.  I have to remember that my brain works quickly and can digest a fair amount of information (and can get overloaded).  But the other part of my personality is deeply sensitive, empathic and works much slower, like a snail.  One glance at the latest statistics could later prompt tears and compassion for all the families or just a feeling of overload, it's too much to digest.  Maybe this is why I am finding the situation so exhausting? 

My latest approach is simply to be mindful about what I read or watch.  Especially when I am already at the computer doing something else and find myself having a quick look at the latest updates.   And to check in with myself about the impact of any reading that I do.  I'm trying out the following:

How do I feel before reading/watching?  Afterwards?  Does it affect my sleep? 
What am I seeking from watching?  Change to advice, answering a question, practical information?
Is there an emotion underneath this that I'm trying to fix?  Uncertainty?  Worry?  Loneliness?
And my favourite:  Take a coronavirus talk/reading day off- eg once a week.

Have any of you tried limiting your input of coronavirus information?  Have you noticed any affect?


  1. What a beautiful photo! I found myself falling into it and leaving the CV behind - bliss. Yes i need a news detox!

  2. I'm glad you liked the photo, pretty amazing clouds that day! News detox highly recommended!


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