When life takes an unexpected turn, the sudden passing of my father.
How do I begin? It was only a little over two weeks ago early on Saturday morning that I heard the phone ring. I was in the bathroom at that moment, so all I heard was Martin saying "it's your sister, it's your sister, she has to speak to you". First thing in the morning calls from my sister have never been good news, so I already knew this was about my dad. I begged the universe for him to be poorly but still with us, so that we could dash to be with him but my wishes were already too late. He had died peacefully in his sleep at his care home, having had a totally "normal" day previously. He had been getting weaker in the last few months, but nothing that gave concern. Perhaps the sudden, unexpected part of this loss makes it more difficult for it to sink in. The weekend passed in an emotional blur with a strange mixture of adrenaline and grief. I had such a strong impulse to do something, to rush to his side and help. But there was...