"Ice swimming" in the sea during these festive Christmas days and finding a mermaid connection.
From the moment I put on my swimming suit, neoprene gloves, hat and boots, I begin to leave my human life for that of a sea-dweller, or even a mermaid. As I walk towards the beach wrapped in my gigantic robe, I am focused on only one thing, the sea. I change from living my human life, ensconced mostly in a warm brick house to being part of the natural world. The sea murmurs quietly today, low winds but with some lingering grey cloud. It feels colder without the sun rays, and for a moment I wonder why am I here? The water is breathtakingly cold now, only five degrees, which is classed as "ice swimming" (5 ℃ and below) although there is definitely no ice in sight. Two seagulls watch me with little interest, as they perch on the posts of the groynes and allow me to swim close by. They accept me as a sea creature for these moments and part of their ocean. I wonder where this endorphin "high" is or even a sense of "this is nice" that regular c...