How our energy might be depleted as we head into autumn with much less "surge capacity" left.
Our seaside town was battered by the elements this weekend, a mixture of lashing rain plus gusts of winds that felt strong enough to lift off our roof. Getting through Saturday night felt epic, as the noise and force of each gust rattled the roof making sleep difficult. Waking up this morning was a delight, seeing that calm has returned after the storm. The blue sky looks fresher, the sun feels warmer and the sea looks clear. After a chilly but refreshing swim in the flatter sea, I feel happy and steadier again. At the same time, I also have a nagging uncertainty tucked away in the back of my mind about the pandemic and the fact that we are not doing a two week " circuit breaker " over this half-term. While the latest tier system seems to make sense and may find some balance between case numbers and the economy, I am concerned that we might be ignoring the advice of our scientists once again. It feels unsettling and brings a feeling of unease as we s...