How Cortijo Romero, in Spain, is still facing uncertainty as it rides the ups and downs of the pandemic.
None of us thought that travel restrictions to Europe would still be in place at the start of our second summer in the pandemic. If I could travel to Spain this month I would definitely choose to be at Cortijo Romero for a week of restoration. This stunningly picturesque creative holiday centre has been important to me for a number of years and it feels like a emotional wrench to be unable to visit. The weather forecast this week is showing day time temperatures ranging from 25 ℃ to 28 ℃ with a scattering of cloud providing a little respite from the heat. At night, a coolness will descend across the valley making it easier to sleep if windows are left ajar. This year, the mountainous area of the Alpujarras around Cortijo Romero has experienced plenty of rain, making everything look green and lush. Following a fairly cool May, the wild flowers are out in abundance with dazzling colours everywhere you turn. Cortijo Romero is ready and waiting t...