An emotional week with signs of some pandemic fatigue. Is anyone else feeling tired of this now?
Last week I officially fell out with the pandemic. I am not feeling any sort of calm acceptance right now and I am totally fed up with adjusting to our "new normal". I have moaned, cried and used the word "ridiculous" many times. I don't want to be waiting on Boris Johnson's latest briefing before I can confirm if I can travel for a very rare weekend away to visit a close friend. I am tired of looking at scientists' graphs about worst outcomes. Why should I have to be constricted again in what I can do, when I've followed every single rule for six months? "It's not fair" I moan, as I stomp about. If everyone followed the rules correctly and we had a tracking and testing system that worked properly, we would be seeing less case numbers. This pandemic sucks and I do not want to hang out with it any longer. It is ruining things and some of these things we can't get back. Apparently it is quite normal at the six month point i...